Akai Satsui - Unholy Desire
Directed by
: Shohei IMAMURA
Written by : Cinematography by : Mashisa Himeda Music by : Toshiro Mayuzumi Art Direction by : Kimihiko Nakamura Produced by : Nikkatsu Corp.
Cast : Masumi Harukawa, Akira Nishimura, Shigeru Tsuyugushi, Yuko Kusunoki, Ranko Agaki.
1964 - Japan - VO - 150 min
Storyline : Sadako was raised as a maid in the household of her husband, who continues to treat her as a serf. While the husband is away, Sadako is raped. An act that jars loose an indomitable instinct for survival. A bizarre relationship develops between the rapist, who continues to stalk the frightened woman with both tender and violent professions of love, and Sadako, whose intentions to murder him lead to a remarkable end.